Thursday, August 13, 2009

Traffic Exchanges "THE TRUTH" and what i Learned..

Ok Everyone I decided last week and this to test the marketing idea of Traffic Exchanges. So I went out a joined a bunch of the the top 20 exchanges sites to give it a whrile. This is what i have learned and in my Opion have come up with.

My List of what you should know first.

1. 90% of the dont work and suck !!! they dont even work well unuff to even want to start surfing with them..

2. Read the exchange Rate you want to work only for views to your website or blog not any thing else.. 1:1 is what you wnat if thats really what they payout.. most you see if you go traffic exchange shopping is 1:3 meaning you have to view 3 sites for every 1 view of yours..

3. 99% of the ADS SUCK!!!! ok just let you know 99% of the ads are i'll make you rich ads. every once in a while you actually get a real blog or website worth looking at ("REALLY WISH THERE MORE REAL SITES").

4. More is Not Better Running Muiltable site is really not that much faster.. OK running 2 or 3 that have proven to be proven performers maybe but in my 3 day experiment the first day i just ran two side by side and got more credits and points than the second day where i was running 5 at a time.. (if you can prove me wrong I have a site you can prove your self on !!!)

out of the 20 or so traffic exchange sites i tested 2 that i have found are even real to what they say and that

both of these site proved to me that they can deliver what they say..( my Google Analytic shows me..) now the problem is still is that the time involved in promoting at these sites is huge and the traffic came a got a huge spike in vistors but still no where close to worth my time..

I would like to here what people think that have used these methods and if they got real results id like to here how and don't try and sell me you secret make it rich plan cause i'm not selling anything.. just drive traffic


  1. I commend you for putting this info together. As they say proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    To me 99% of these so called traffic exchange are not worth the weight of the paper on which their promises are writen on.

    Avoid! Avoid! Avoid! is all can say for TEs

  2. Great posts. I am following you and took a look around...I would appreciate you doing the same. Here's my blog:


  3. I found this out the hard way, and I hate those traffic farms, because it is useless traffice, and they are there for 30 secs.

  4. to the last 2 posters I read your followed and clicked on your ads you now part of the social experiment..

  5. I am really enjoying reading your lessons learned..
    I have spent many hours visiting others blogs and they may or may not visit. I like the visits but what is nice is when you can actually get someone to leave great content. I know that it needs to be something that they are familiar with and interest them but I always try to take the time to think about what I have read on someones blog to be able to give a post.
